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Unbreakable blocks - tunnelrat ( 04/29/11 11:07:31 AM )
      RE: Unbreakable blocks - =SLJ=DownEast ( 05/01/11 07:50:42 AM )
PiCECRAFT Plugin Info cont. - tunnelrat ( 04/29/11 07:41:51 AM )
      Essentials plugin (see bottom for special signs) - tunnelrat ( 04/29/11 10:56:23 AM )
      iConomy - tunnelrat ( 04/29/11 11:09:57 AM )
      HeroicDeaths - tunnelrat ( 04/29/11 11:11:25 AM )
      Voxel Port - Teleport alternative - tunnelrat ( 04/29/11 11:11:55 AM )
      MCMMO - tunnelrat ( 04/29/11 11:16:21 AM )
      RE: MCMMO - Niall ( 04/29/11 11:20:20 AM )
      RE: MCMMO - tunnelrat ( 04/29/11 11:36:04 AM )
      RE: MCMMO - Niall ( 04/29/11 12:45:23 PM )
PiCECRAFT PLUGINS RAAAAARRRRR - tunnelrat ( 04/28/11 08:56:54 AM )
      RE: PiCECRAFT PLUGINS RAAAAARRRRR - Infernal ( 04/28/11 12:04:45 PM )
      RE: PiCECRAFT PLUGINS RAAAAARRRRR - tunnelrat ( 04/28/11 14:23:02 PM )
      RE: PiCECRAFT PLUGINS RAAAAARRRRR - tehdow ( 04/28/11 19:24:43 PM )
New maps outputtered - tunnelrat ( 04/27/11 11:14:07 AM )
      RE: New maps outputtered - tunnelrat ( 04/27/11 11:18:55 AM )
What do I need? - tehdow ( 04/27/11 08:22:11 AM )
      RE: What do I need? - tehdow ( 04/27/11 08:27:36 AM )
      RE: What do I need? - tehdow ( 04/27/11 08:31:58 AM )
      RE: What do I need? - tehdow ( 04/27/11 08:34:02 AM )
      RE: What do I need? - Picecraft guidelines: - tunnelrat ( 04/27/11 09:16:09 AM )
      RE: What do I need? - Picecraft guidelines: - tunnelrat ( 04/27/11 09:16:32 AM )
Picecraft Bukkit Plugins - tunnelrat ( 04/27/11 07:35:03 AM )
Voxel Port - Teleport alternative - tunnelrat ( 04/23/11 15:08:40 PM )
PiCECraft Rides Again! - tunnelrat ( 04/18/11 08:42:31 AM )
MC 1.4 Update Screws Us Again - DeathPredator/Pra3torian ( 04/02/11 23:15:20 PM )
      RE: MC 1.4 Update Screws Us Again - injate ( 04/03/11 17:27:41 PM )
      RE: MC 1.4 Update Screws Us Again - injate ( 04/03/11 18:18:24 PM )
      RE: MC 1.4 Update Screws Us Again - Maelstrom ( 04/03/11 20:19:35 PM )
wow - SuRGe- ( 03/19/11 08:19:07 AM )
MC Jar w/256 bit texture pack + minimap - tunnelrat ( 03/04/11 14:01:21 PM )
MC Mods - Maelstrom ( 03/02/11 14:16:45 PM )
      RE: MC Mods - V3N0M ( 03/02/11 16:24:48 PM )
      RE: MC Mods - tunnelrat ( 03/02/11 18:54:24 PM )
Your mom doesn't work here - Maelstrom ( 02/28/11 12:25:59 PM )
      RE: Your mom doesn't work here - Astanyx ( 02/28/11 13:57:08 PM )
      RE: Your mom doesn't work here - jabes ( 02/28/11 16:39:16 PM )
      RE: Your mom doesn't work here - mcmeel ( 02/28/11 16:44:08 PM )
      RE: Your mom doesn't work here - Drak ( 02/28/11 20:22:08 PM )
      RE: Your mom doesn't work here - Maelstrom ( 03/01/11 08:48:45 AM )
      RE: Your mom doesn't work here - =SLJ=DownEast ( 03/02/11 18:10:47 PM )
Squid Spawns - Maelstrom ( 02/28/11 08:05:47 AM )
      RE: Squid Spawns - SuRGe- ( 02/28/11 09:28:51 AM )
MC goes Mobile - S3 ( 02/23/11 08:38:25 AM )
      RE: MC goes Mobile - Astanyx ( 02/24/11 09:17:52 AM )
      RE: MC goes Mobile - Maelstrom ( 02/24/11 09:42:47 AM )
      RE: MC goes Mobile - Maelstrom ( 02/24/11 10:14:09 AM )
      RE: MC goes Mobile - Infernal ( 02/25/11 08:02:13 AM )
      RE: MC goes Mobile - Maelstrom ( 02/25/11 09:20:55 AM )
      RE: MC goes Mobile - Niall ( 02/25/11 11:40:08 AM )
      RE: MC goes Mobile - Rags ( 02/25/11 13:18:04 PM )
      RE: MC goes Mobile - jabes ( 02/25/11 13:56:31 PM )
      I stand corrected. - Infernal ( 02/28/11 11:44:37 AM )
      RE: I stand corrected. - S3 ( 03/01/11 09:21:35 AM )
      RE: I stand corrected. - tehdow ( 04/29/11 00:29:30 AM )
      RE: I stand corrected. - tunnelrat ( 04/29/11 07:21:11 AM )
MC 1.3 out - Maelstrom ( 02/22/11 09:50:59 AM )
      RE: MC 1.3 out - DeathPredator ( 02/22/11 10:36:26 AM )
      RE: MC 1.3 out - Maelstrom ( 02/22/11 10:49:30 AM )
      Updated - injate ( 02/22/11 11:59:04 AM )
      RE: Updated - Maelstrom ( 02/22/11 12:13:59 PM )
      RE: Updated - Truck ( 02/22/11 14:11:38 PM )
      RE: Updated - tunnelrat ( 02/22/11 15:58:24 PM )
      RE: Updated - V3N0M ( 02/22/11 16:14:01 PM )
      RE: Updated - Drak ( 02/23/11 12:54:53 PM )
      RE: Updated - Maelstrom ( 02/24/11 08:23:00 AM )
      RE: Updated - DeathPredator(Pra3torian) ( 02/24/11 14:01:27 PM )
      RE: Updated - Maelstrom ( 02/24/11 14:51:10 PM )
      RE: Updated ALSO MINIMAP - DeathPredator(Pra3torian) ( 02/24/11 15:15:19 PM )
      RE: UpdatedX2 - DeathPredator(Pra3torian) ( 02/24/11 16:13:44 PM )
xkcd - Niall ( 02/16/11 05:11:53 AM )
      RE: xkcd - jabes ( 02/16/11 09:24:45 AM )
Server is running well... - =SLJ=DownEast ( 02/15/11 18:18:38 PM )
      RE: Server is running well... - Maelstrom ( 02/16/11 06:22:09 AM )
      RE: Server is running well... - jabes ( 02/16/11 09:25:22 AM )
      RE: Server is running well... - Maelstrom ( 02/16/11 10:24:19 AM )
      RE: Server is running well... - DeathPredator ( 02/22/11 10:02:23 AM )
Any other servers out there? - =SLJ=DownEast ( 02/08/11 15:40:04 PM )
      RE: Any other servers out there? - Maelstrom ( 02/09/11 10:04:37 AM )
      RE: Any other servers out there? - =SLJ=DownEast ( 02/09/11 11:23:37 AM )
goddamnit.. im out - Infernal ( 02/06/11 19:20:04 PM )
      RE: goddamnit.. im out - =SLJ=DownEast ( 02/06/11 20:11:31 PM )
      RE: goddamnit.. im out - tunnelrat ( 02/06/11 21:57:39 PM )
      RE: goddamnit.. im out - Infernal ( 02/07/11 07:23:59 AM )
MC2 down - tunnelrat ( 02/06/11 14:38:43 PM )
      Still Down... =[ - =SLJ=DownEast ( 02/07/11 17:10:33 PM )
PICE Community Project - Maelstrom ( 02/04/11 09:29:08 AM )
      RE: PICE Community Project - S3 ( 02/04/11 13:17:22 PM )
      RE: PICE Community Project - Drak ( 02/04/11 13:20:45 PM )
      RE: PICE Community Project - V3N0M ( 02/04/11 14:53:51 PM )
      RE: PICE Community Project - tunnelrat ( 02/06/11 21:58:25 PM )
the problem with mc atm - Infernal ( 01/31/11 09:39:13 AM )
      RE: the problem with mc atm - Astanyx ( 01/31/11 10:18:55 AM )
      RE: the problem with mc atm - Maelstrom ( 02/02/11 12:13:48 PM )
Subway - Astanyx ( 01/28/11 15:47:43 PM )
      Who's been in my house and mine and taken - Infernal ( 01/28/11 18:16:11 PM )
      RE: Who's been in my house and mine and taken - Astanyx ( 01/28/11 18:40:21 PM )
      RE: Who's been in my house and mine and taken - tunnelrat ( 01/30/11 11:42:49 AM )
      RE: Who's been in my house and mine and taken - Rags ( 01/30/11 14:28:28 PM )
      RE: Who's been in my house and mine and taken - Astanyx ( 01/30/11 15:00:53 PM )
      RE: Who's been in my house and mine and taken - tunnelrat ( 01/30/11 15:24:19 PM )
      RE: Who's been in my house and mine and taken - Astanyx ( 01/30/11 17:32:20 PM )
      f3, y = 30? - Infernal ( 01/30/11 18:34:01 PM )
      about uphill - Infernal ( 01/30/11 22:03:32 PM )
      RE: about uphill - Maelstrom ( 01/31/11 08:06:28 AM )
      RE: about uphill - DeathPredator(Pra3torian) ( 01/31/11 12:04:25 PM )
      RE: about uphill - Infernal ( 01/31/11 12:25:06 PM )
      RE: SUBWAY PREFERENCE - injate ( 01/31/11 13:15:59 PM )
      RE: SUBWAY PREFERENCE - Infernal ( 01/31/11 13:34:25 PM )
      RE: SUBWAY PREFERENCE - Infernal ( 01/31/11 13:34:59 PM )
      RE: SUBWAY PREFERENCE - Maelstrom ( 02/02/11 12:14:24 PM )
      RE: SUBWAY PREFERENCE - Niall ( 02/16/11 11:01:28 AM )
Gift Card Pool for Injate - Maelstrom ( 01/28/11 12:03:53 PM )
      RE: Gift Card Pool for Injate - Maelstrom ( 01/31/11 08:19:45 AM )
      RE: Gift Card Pool for Injate - injate ( 01/31/11 13:18:09 PM )
      RE: Gift Card Pool for Injate - Rags ( 01/31/11 14:44:31 PM )
      RE: Gift Card Pool for Injate - =SLJ=DownEast ( 01/31/11 17:01:08 PM )
With a pocket full of shells - Maelstrom ( 01/28/11 09:44:07 AM )
      RE: With a pocket full of shells - V3N0M ( 01/28/11 15:50:28 PM )
Minecraft Server Issues - Resolved - Astanyx ( 01/27/11 07:52:50 AM )
      RE: Minecraft Server Issues - Resolved - injate ( 01/31/11 13:12:53 PM )
Inf - Wesman21 ( 01/26/11 21:03:55 PM )
      RE: Inf - Infernal ( 01/27/11 18:07:00 PM )
      er - Infernal ( 01/27/11 18:07:16 PM )
Reappearing Blocks/Can't Place - DeathPredator(Pra3torian) ( 01/26/11 15:00:48 PM )
      RE: Reappearing Blocks/Can't Place - insom ( 01/26/11 20:42:00 PM )
      RE: Reappearing Blocks/Can't Place - Wesman21 ( 01/26/11 20:51:34 PM )
      RE: Reappearing Blocks/Can't Place - Maelstrom ( 01/27/11 12:36:39 PM )
      RE: Reappearing Blocks/Can't Place - DeathPredator(Pra3torian) ( 01/27/11 18:05:36 PM )
FYI minecraft news - injate ( 01/25/11 16:25:21 PM )
      RE: FYI minecraft news - Infernal ( 01/26/11 13:46:38 PM )
      RE: FYI minecraft news - Maelstrom ( 01/26/11 14:49:14 PM )
Retarded Spawn Tomb - DeathPredator/Pra3torian ( 01/24/11 16:22:43 PM )
      RE: Retarded Spawn Tomb - Astanyx ( 01/24/11 17:12:56 PM )
      RE: Retarded Spawn Tomb - DeathPredator(Pra3torian) ( 01/24/11 17:14:54 PM )
      RE: Retarded Spawn Tomb - DeathPredator(Pra3torian) ( 01/24/11 17:26:45 PM )
      RE: Retarded Spawn Tomb - DeathPredator(Pra3torian) ( 01/24/11 17:29:44 PM )
      RE: Retarded Spawn Tomb - Astanyx ( 01/24/11 17:30:54 PM )
      RE: Retarded Spawn Tomb - injate ( 01/24/11 17:43:06 PM )
      RE: Retarded Spawn Tomb - DeathPredator(Pra3torian) ( 01/24/11 18:02:58 PM )
      RE: Retarded Spawn Tomb - DeathPredator(Pra3torian) ( 01/26/11 14:38:43 PM )
minecraft + kinect - SuRGe- ( 01/24/11 07:11:52 AM )
What does everyone's mineshaft look like? - Mr X ( 01/23/11 21:50:30 PM )
      RE: What does everyone's mineshaft look like? - Mr X ( 01/23/11 21:53:41 PM )
      RE: What does everyone's mineshaft look like? - V3N0M ( 01/24/11 15:28:59 PM )
I like this game but im stopping - Infernal ( 01/22/11 15:11:43 PM )
      RE: I like this game but im stopping - Astanyx ( 01/22/11 18:10:00 PM )
      RE: I like this game but im stopping - Infernal ( 01/24/11 07:08:08 AM )
      RE: I like this game but im stopping - jabes ( 01/24/11 09:17:33 AM )
server needs reset - Infernal ( 01/22/11 10:35:07 AM )
      please - insom ( 01/22/11 11:08:48 AM )
      RE: please - tunnelrat ( 01/22/11 13:57:53 PM )
      In need of an Admin. - =SLJ=DownEast ( 01/22/11 14:39:48 PM )
      RE: In need of an Admin. - Maelstrom ( 01/22/11 15:38:24 PM )
      Working on it - injate ( 01/23/11 13:55:26 PM )
Gameplay Mod: Minimap (Or Zan's mod) - Mr X ( 01/21/11 15:33:06 PM )
      RE: Gameplay Mod: Minimap (Or Zan's mod) - DeathPredator/Pra3torian ( 01/21/11 15:33:56 PM )
      RE: Gameplay Mod: Minimap (Or Zan's mod) - =SLJ=DownEast ( 01/21/11 18:19:32 PM )
      RE: Gameplay Mod: Minimap (Or Zan's mod) - GreenPez ( 01/21/11 18:22:58 PM )
      RE: Gameplay Mod: Minimap (Or Zan's mod) - Drak ( 01/21/11 20:04:58 PM )
      new client 1.2_02 map won't work now - Infernal ( 01/21/11 20:11:05 PM )
      New Mini Map .96 works with new client... - =SLJ=DownEast ( 01/22/11 08:02:30 AM )
Just wondering where is everybody on the new map? - Mr X ( 01/21/11 09:12:17 AM )
      RE: Just wondering where is everybody on the n - Infernal ( 01/21/11 09:14:33 AM )
      RE: Just wondering where is everybody on the n - Infernal ( 01/21/11 09:24:39 AM )
      RE: Just wondering where is everybody on the n - injate ( 01/21/11 11:42:15 AM )
      RE: Just wondering where is everybody on the n - injate ( 01/21/11 11:42:58 AM )
      RE: Just wondering where is everybody on the n - Wesman21 ( 01/21/11 12:24:20 PM )
      RE: Just wondering where is everybody on the n - Astanyx ( 01/21/11 12:50:01 PM )
      RE: Just wondering where is everybody on the n - Drak ( 01/21/11 13:07:54 PM )
      RE: Just wondering where is everybody on the n - DeathPredator(Pra3torian) ( 01/21/11 13:35:47 PM )
      RE: Just wondering where is everybody on the n - =SLJ=DownEast ( 01/21/11 14:34:15 PM )
self evident solution to spider climbing walls. - Infernal ( 01/21/11 07:53:09 AM )
      RE: self evident solution to spider climbing w - Infernal ( 01/21/11 07:53:34 AM )
Rules posted at spawn. [S2] - injate ( 01/20/11 16:48:32 PM )
      RE: Rules posted at spawn. [S2] - =SLJ=DownEast ( 01/21/11 14:20:59 PM )
      RE: Rules posted at spawn. [S2] - Infernal ( 01/21/11 14:22:07 PM )
Maintenance on s2 - injate ( 01/19/11 08:13:07 AM )
      RE: Maintenance on s2 - Astanyx ( 01/19/11 08:34:49 AM )
      RE: Maintenance on s2 - Rags ( 01/19/11 08:57:42 AM )
      RE: Maintenance on s2 - injate ( 01/19/11 09:46:26 AM )
      RE: Maintenance on s2 - =SLJ=DownEast ( 01/19/11 12:11:13 PM )
      RE: Maintenance on s2 - injate ( 01/20/11 07:12:21 AM )

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