Author: tunnelrat <[email protected]>     Reply to Message
Date: 4/28/2011 8:56:54 AM

Hokai... the follow is enabled and rocking on

- Nether - Make a portal (it needs to be an open space of 2 wide, 3 high (a vertical rectangle) surrounded by obsidian. You need a minimum of 10 obsidian to do this. We'll be making one somewhere near spawn, but to make your own, the easiest way is to put down like a dirt/cobble block, leave two spaces, and then put down another dirt/cobble block. In the two spaces between, place 2 obsidian. Now, put 3 obsidian on top of each dirt block. You should now have a "U" with a total of 8 obsidian. Now, place a dirt/cobble block on top of both of the columns you just made. Between those two blocks (just like the ones on the ground) place 2 obsidian. Now, you can break or leave the dirt/cobble blocks.

Use a flint and steel to light the portal (target one of the base obsidian blocks.

Enjoy the Nether. Water don't work there. More in a bit, I have a gay meeting. Work is gay.