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Testing Hexxit 3.0.0c - Maelstrom ( 11/19/14 08:00:37 AM )
      RE: Testing Hexxit 3.0.0c - Maelstrom ( 11/19/14 09:34:20 AM )
Server Crash Last Night - Maelstrom ( 11/17/14 05:40:14 AM )
      RE: Server Crash Last Night - mcmeel ( 11/17/14 09:13:25 AM )
      RE: Server Crash Last Night - Niall ( 11/17/14 09:38:38 AM )
Surely there's a better version of this? - Niall ( 11/13/14 06:23:12 AM )
      RE: Surely there's a better version of this? - mcmeel ( 11/13/14 15:28:27 PM )
      RE: Surely there's a better version of this? - Niall ( 11/13/14 17:50:32 PM )
MC Maintenance/Mods/etc - Maelstrom ( 11/10/14 05:59:59 AM )
MC Server - Maelstrom ( 11/09/14 07:55:16 AM )
Go Time. - Maelstrom ( 11/08/14 14:30:50 PM )
How to configure your Tekkit Launcher - Maelstrom ( 11/08/14 14:18:10 PM )
      RE: How to configure your Tekkit Launcher - mcmeel ( 11/08/14 14:28:52 PM )
      RE: How to configure your Tekkit Launcher - Maelstrom ( 11/08/14 14:30:01 PM )
Tekkit + Java 1.8_20+ - Maelstrom ( 11/08/14 13:55:00 PM )
Holy FuckBukkit... - Maelstrom ( 11/08/14 13:45:30 PM )
      RE: Holy FuckBukkit... - Niall ( 11/10/14 07:38:50 AM )
PiceCraft X - Maelstrom ( 11/08/14 11:39:01 AM )
      RE: PiceCraft X - mcmeel ( 11/08/14 12:22:54 PM )
      RE: PiceCraft X - Maelstrom ( 11/08/14 12:24:54 PM )
      RE: PiceCraft X - mcmeel ( 11/08/14 12:35:28 PM )
New MC Server OTW - Maelstrom ( 11/03/14 05:36:04 AM )
      RE: New MC Server OTW - mcmeel ( 11/03/14 12:05:33 PM )
      RE: New MC Server OTW - Maelstrom ( 11/03/14 15:11:00 PM )
      RE: New MC Server OTW - Infernal ( 11/03/14 16:29:55 PM )
      RE: New MC Server OTW - mcmeel ( 11/04/14 10:22:47 AM )
      RE: New MC Server OTW - Maelstrom ( 11/04/14 13:12:15 PM )
      RE: New MC Server OTW - mcmeel ( 11/04/14 14:53:02 PM )
      RE: New MC Server OTW - Infernal ( 11/04/14 17:16:02 PM )
      RE: New MC Server OTW - Infernal ( 11/04/14 17:19:24 PM )
      RE: New MC Server OTW - Maelstrom ( 11/04/14 19:08:52 PM )
      RE: New MC Server OTW - Infernal ( 11/05/14 14:23:55 PM )
      RE: New MC Server OTW - Maelstrom ( 11/07/14 06:58:55 AM )
      RE: New MC Server OTW - Maelstrom ( 11/07/14 07:00:03 AM )
      RE: New MC Server OTW - Niall ( 11/07/14 09:02:07 AM )
      RE: New MC Server OTW - Infernal ( 11/07/14 11:44:54 AM )
Anyone still playing MC? - Maelstrom ( 09/03/14 09:23:09 AM )
      RE: Anyone still playing MC? - Niall ( 09/08/14 06:33:11 AM )
      RE: Anyone still playing MC? - Maelstrom ( 09/10/14 09:08:49 AM )
      RE: Anyone still playing MC? - mcmeel ( 09/10/14 14:44:50 PM )
Server Shit Itself - Maelstrom ( 08/07/14 05:51:22 AM )
      RE: Server Shit Itself - mcmeel ( 08/08/14 14:24:34 PM )
MC Server - Maelstrom ( 07/24/14 05:17:36 AM )
Update to Tekkit 1.2.9d - mcmeel ( 05/16/14 10:10:07 AM )
      RE: Update to Tekkit 1.2.9d - Maesltromthurmond ( 05/16/14 10:43:32 AM )
      RE: Update to Tekkit 1.2.9d - Maesltromthurmond ( 05/16/14 11:25:33 AM )
      do it. - Infernal ( 05/16/14 19:46:26 PM )
      RE: do it. - mcmeel ( 05/16/14 20:55:49 PM )
      RE: do it. - mcmeel ( 05/17/14 12:47:16 PM )
      RE: do it. - Maesltromthurmond ( 05/19/14 13:17:53 PM )
Apparently the server shit itself... - Maesltromthurmond ( 05/14/14 11:16:09 AM )
      RE: Apparently the server shit itself... - mcmeel ( 05/14/14 13:13:25 PM )
      RE: Apparently the server shit itself... - jabes ( 05/14/14 14:19:02 PM )
      RE: Apparently the server shit itself... - mcmeel ( 05/14/14 17:03:04 PM )
      RE: Apparently the server shit itself... - Maesltromthurmond ( 05/15/14 06:39:44 AM )
How's the Tekkit Server doing? - Maesltromthurmond ( 05/01/14 06:39:17 AM )
      RE: How's the Tekkit Server doing? - Infernal ( 05/01/14 23:50:57 PM )
      RE: How's the Tekkit Server doing? - mcmeel ( 05/02/14 10:03:22 AM )
      RE: How's the Tekkit Server doing? - mcmeel ( 05/02/14 13:23:20 PM )
      RE: How's the Tekkit Server doing? - Maesltromthurmond ( 05/05/14 06:34:40 AM )
      RE: How's the Tekkit Server doing? - mcmeel ( 05/05/14 17:42:31 PM )
      RE: How's the Tekkit Server doing? - mcmeel ( 05/11/14 14:37:13 PM )
      RE: How's the Tekkit Server doing? - Maesltromthurmond ( 05/13/14 09:43:25 AM )
Ahem...new Tekkit is out! - Infernal ( 04/11/14 14:10:23 PM )
      RE: Ahem...new Tekkit is out! - Infernal ( 04/14/14 00:08:35 AM )
      RE: Ahem...new Tekkit is out! - Stanley ( 04/14/14 15:39:36 PM )
      RE: Ahem...new Tekkit is out! - Stanley ( 04/14/14 15:45:33 PM )
      RE: Ahem...new Tekkit is out! - Infernal ( 04/15/14 00:06:48 AM )
      RE: Ahem...new Tekkit is out! - Niall ( 04/15/14 07:18:45 AM )
      RE: Ahem...new Tekkit is out! - Infernal ( 04/16/14 01:01:11 AM )
So.... fer those whats interestinated.... - Maelstrom ( 02/04/14 07:05:24 AM )
      RE: So.... fer those whats interestinated.... - Infernal ( 02/06/14 04:28:19 AM )
      RE: So.... fer those whats interestinated.... - Maelstrom ( 02/06/14 12:54:39 PM )
Map! - injate ( 01/24/14 19:50:38 PM )
      RE: Map! - Niall ( 02/04/14 08:35:38 AM )
      RE: Map! - Maelstrom ( 02/06/14 12:54:57 PM )
Map view - Infernal ( 01/24/14 18:26:52 PM )
MC Down part of the day yesterday/today... - Maelstrom ( 01/22/14 14:22:56 PM )
      RE: MC Down part of the day yesterday/today... - mcmeel ( 01/23/14 16:41:12 PM )
Tekkit Server Hardware - Maelstrom ( 01/18/14 12:31:28 PM )
      dun worry bout it - Infernal ( 01/18/14 16:21:03 PM )
      RE: dun worry bout it - mcmeel ( 01/18/14 17:39:14 PM )
      RE: dun worry bout it - Stanley ( 01/21/14 15:19:15 PM )
      RE: dun worry bout it - Maelstrom ( 01/22/14 10:22:53 AM )
      RE: dun worry bout it - Stanley ( 01/22/14 14:45:13 PM )
      RE: dun worry bout it - Infernal ( 01/22/14 21:37:38 PM )
      RE: dun worry bout it - Maelstrom ( 01/23/14 11:23:58 AM )
      RE: dun worry bout it - mcmeel ( 01/23/14 14:58:30 PM )
      RE: dun worry bout it - Maelstrom ( 01/23/14 20:51:22 PM )
Chocobo Ranch - Maelstrom ( 01/16/14 08:56:12 AM )
      how long term is hexxit - Infernal ( 01/16/14 10:06:20 AM )
      RE: how long term is hexxit - Maelstrom ( 01/16/14 10:40:37 AM )
How to start? - Stanley ( 01/16/14 03:50:07 AM )
      RE: How to start? - Maelstrom ( 01/16/14 08:44:38 AM )
Tekkit Server - Maelstrom ( 01/13/14 08:29:32 AM )
      RE: Tekkit Server - injate ( 01/13/14 13:03:28 PM )
      RE: Tekkit Server - Stanley ( 01/15/14 15:26:25 PM )
Minecraft Server Hardware Problems - Maelstrom ( 01/10/14 06:24:04 AM )
      RE: Minecraft Server Hardware Problems - Maelstrom ( 01/10/14 06:36:17 AM )
      RE: Minecraft Server Hardware Problems - mcmeel ( 01/10/14 10:10:24 AM )
      RE: Minecraft Server Hardware Problems - Maelstrom ( 01/10/14 15:54:53 PM )
The Old World - Maelstrom ( 01/09/14 07:31:56 AM )
Server fuck up last night - Maelstrom ( 01/08/14 11:34:06 AM )
World Border - Maelstrom ( 12/23/13 08:25:44 AM )
PiCECraft Rules for this version - Maelstrom ( 12/23/13 08:01:38 AM )
      RE: PiCECraft Rules for this version - Stanley ( 12/23/13 20:58:37 PM )
Owl Right, PiCECraft is back... - Maelstrom ( 12/22/13 17:11:50 PM )
PiCECraft Reset - Maelstrom ( 12/21/13 09:19:02 AM )
      RE: PiCECraft Reset - Maelstrom ( 12/21/13 11:04:44 AM )
      RE: PiCECraft Reset - Stanley ( 12/21/13 11:16:54 AM )
      RE: PiCECraft Reset - Infernal ( 12/21/13 16:15:47 PM )
      RE: PiCECraft Reset - injate ( 12/21/13 22:11:40 PM )
      RE: PiCECraft Reset - Drak ( 12/21/13 23:55:45 PM )
      RE: PiCECraft Reset - Rousdower ( 12/22/13 08:01:45 AM )
      RE: PiCECraft Reset - mcmeel ( 12/22/13 12:59:13 PM )
      RE: PiCECraft Reset - Maelstrom ( 12/22/13 13:25:53 PM )
      RE: PiCECraft Reset - mcmeel ( 12/22/13 13:54:26 PM )
PiCECraft Restored from backup... - Maelstrom ( 12/19/13 07:10:19 AM )
      RE: PiCECraft Restored from backup... - Infernal ( 12/20/13 21:16:02 PM )
      RE: PiCECraft Restored from backup... - Maelstrom ( 12/21/13 09:16:51 AM )
PiCECraft Currently Fooked... - Maelstrom ( 12/18/13 11:14:21 AM )
      RE: PiCECraft Currently Fooked... - Maelstrom ( 12/18/13 12:43:42 PM )
      RE: PiCECraft Currently Fooked... - Infernal ( 12/18/13 17:49:55 PM )
      RE: PiCECraft Currently Fooked... - Infernal ( 12/18/13 20:34:52 PM )
      RE: PiCECraft Currently Fooked... - Maelstrom ( 12/19/13 06:27:35 AM )
P-ice Craft - Rousdower ( 12/11/13 13:18:28 PM )
      RE: P-ice Craft - mcmeel ( 12/11/13 19:30:23 PM )
      RE: P-ice Craft - Maelstrom ( 12/16/13 06:50:14 AM )
PiCECraft Maintenance - Maelstrom ( 11/22/13 09:10:36 AM )
      RE: PiCECraft Maintenance - injate ( 11/22/13 11:02:39 AM )
server --reverted!!! - Infernal ( 11/20/13 08:25:59 AM )
      RE: server --reverted!!! - Rousdower ( 11/20/13 13:12:37 PM )
      RE: server --reverted!!! - Infernal ( 11/20/13 16:11:08 PM )
      RE: server --reverted!!! - Maelstrom ( 11/22/13 06:34:13 AM )
      RE: server --reverted!!! - mcmeel ( 11/22/13 10:11:02 AM )
      RE: server --reverted!!! - Maelstrom ( 11/22/13 12:28:34 PM )
Fix for the map? - injate ( 11/15/13 13:49:01 PM )
      RE: Fix for the map? - Maelstrom ( 11/16/13 14:40:05 PM )
      RE: Fix for the map? - mcmeel ( 11/16/13 14:40:45 PM )
      RE: Fix for the map? - injate ( 11/17/13 11:26:14 AM )
      RE: Fix for the map? - injate ( 11/18/13 12:12:52 PM )
      RE: Fix for the map? - mcmeel ( 11/18/13 18:53:06 PM )
      Overviewer - injate ( 11/19/13 10:10:31 AM )
      RE: Overviewer - injate ( 11/19/13 10:41:47 AM )
      RE: Overviewer - injate ( 11/19/13 21:30:17 PM )
      RE: Overviewer - Maelstrom ( 11/22/13 17:50:24 PM )
PiCECraft/Tekkit Commands - Maelstrom ( 10/30/13 10:37:58 AM )
      RE: PiCECraft/Tekkit Commands - Rousdower ( 11/01/13 05:28:39 AM )
      RE: PiCECraft/Tekkit Commands - Maelstrom ( 11/02/13 06:54:59 AM )
      RE: PiCECraft/Tekkit Commands - injate ( 11/03/13 16:30:19 PM )

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