Author: Hollow <jk;lfds>     Reply to Message
Date: 7/15/2017 12:02:02 PM
Subject: RE: Hollow you just showed huge ignorance

It was a troll based on your previous burn the world posts. Since you posted some rational thoughts I will argue honestly.

First off, there are multiple communist countries. China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and N. Korea are all declared communist countries(except N Korea). The citizens of those countries own NOTHING and work solely to help the government. North Korea removed all mentions of Marxist/Lenin ideas from their government, but they're still communist in my eyes.

I will agree that America is a socialist democracy or at least heading in that direction. If done properly, that type of society can work. You have to find the perfect balance between capitalism and socialism though. Too much socialism and you will bankrupt yourself quickly which was the road we headed down with Obama. Socialism can not survive without Capitalism because it requires money to fund the "free" programs.

I don't know what event spurned you against the ideals of America, but I don't agree with your "herpty derpty" comment at all. Americans want to help the world, in fact, we provide the most foreign aid of any other developed nation and it's not even close. Developing universal healthcare, free education, welfare, etc. is not nearly as easy here as it is in places like Denmark, Finland, etc. We have to find a way to provide those programs without regulating and taxing the free economic market into poverty.
FYI, All those inventions you mentioned were able to be created here because of capitalism.