Author: it <[email protected]>     Reply to Message
Date: 2/22/2017 12:29:21 PM
Subject: Overwatch Server Browser

So overwatch seems to be inching towards a decent FPS platform, in terms of modding. This really only feels like a baby step though. In the PTR region you can now create custom servers. These servers are pretty ephemeral, as the owner changes as people come and go. The individual settings include things like
* Turn on/off individual hero abilities
* More customization on hero ability cooldown times
* Change payload speed
* Change capture speed on control points
* Allow/disallow individual heroes
* Enable/disable flag pick-up time
* Change CTF so a team’s flag has to be back at their base in order to cap the enemy flag
* Increase Pharah’s missile speed

I'm still hoping for deeper customizations and custom maps, though. If blizzard eventually moves in that direction, this game could have a great modding scene, and I'd be pretty excited to see any quake derived mods popping up.