Author: PnuE <[email protected]>     Reply to Message
Date: 1/11/2017 8:24:55 PM
Subject: RE: Since nobody is talking here...

"it" nailed it for me. I dislike it when people try to lump me in with Atheists. They (by definition) make an assertion that I can not do in good conscious. I don't worship anything, but it would be very presumptuous of me to omit any and everything. In the sense that gravity would have been pseudoscience until it was scientifically explained. It would have been very easy for me to chastise the hypothesis of gravity when science said nothing. At one point our science only knew we were the center of the universe. It would have been against science to say otherwise unless proven.

Scientific knowledge can change quite significantly. Black Holes were pseudoscience when proposed by Einstein. They were finally observed and were a scientific impossibility. (Can't turn something into nothing). Later explained (in theory) by Hawking Radiation. Then observed.

Most Atheists I know claim they have an answer backed by science.

I take the standpoint of "Just because we can't scientifically explain the existence of something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

Also all of scientific discoveries come from calculated faith. The belief in something that isn't scientifically explained. Mind you calculated faith differs greatly from the leap.