Author: LaNdo <[email protected]>     Reply to Message
Date: 1/6/2017 11:47:03 PM
Subject: Since nobody is talking here...

I'm wondering who here, if anyone is religious and if so what religion are you. If not religious do you consider yourself atheist, agnostic etc??

I've always thought that being an atheist meant that you believe that there is no god. Like proclaiming that you believe there is no god the same way a believer would say there is one. Now, my definition of an atheist is exactly what it should be: "without belief in a god or deity".

I haven't ruled out the possibility of some sort of a god (although I firmly believe if there is one, it's nothing like the gods religions believe), but I don't proclaim that there is no god. Some would call this agnostic I suppose. I think calling yourself agnostic is the exact same as saying you're an atheist. An agnostic holds no particular belief in "a" god, but hasn't ruled out the possibility. The literal definition of agnostic is "who fucking knows?" and I don't see the difference.

Anyways, this place has been dead af for the past few weeks, thought I'd throw this out there to see if we can rally back.