Author: Maelstrom <rxfoster gmail>     Reply to Message
Date: 7/5/2012 12:52:11 PM
Subject: Cool Story

I head into Elektro, to TRY to fucking get some mother fucking medical supplies since you can get fucked so hard without them.

I am crouch walking in... zombie aggros me anyway... I shoot him. Good to go. Another aggros me. I shoot him. 14 come down on me.

Not entirely the fuck sure where the fuck they were 8 seconds ago, but what the fuck ever.

I die.

Respawn in oatmeal. Realize, oh fuck I can get my shit back.

Get my shit back.

As I am literally loading my fucking .45 to move on, some cock sucking player shoots me. The fucked part is he missed like 8 times, but of course it takes me forever to reload my shit. The best part is, he did this and I didn't see ANY zombies running around.

Fucking awesome times, I am not mad or cussing at all.