Author: jabes <hauj00b>     Reply to Message
Date: 7/21/2011 9:35:53 AM
Subject: pr aar from wednesday

i played some insurgency in the map for the Korengal Valley with Hightio. I was having a blast, not sure about hightio. Mostly we were laying our faces in the mud and dying a lot, but without any tickets and just having to defend the cache, that is kind of the point.

we setup some ambushes and played with the CIA kids some. They are a pretty ADD addled group, so when playing against a CIA stack, make sure and stay home. Don't wait for them to flank you, but don't make your position known either because they will expose themselves early and often. That said, they have some wicked aim and teamwork for how loose they play.

Tons of mountains on this map, and if you've seen the movie restrepo, it takes up about 2 valleys of that area and throws in some caves and boulders on roads, sort of thing. I was able to swap a CIA kid for the marksman kit and wow, what a difference optics makes.

After that I played on HOG Muttrah for an hour. Eventually roped in on the MEC side and had a decent squad lead that was keeping the group tasked. He was hard to hear in-game VOIP and this helped keep the inane chatter to a minimum.

I loaded in as medic and revived my entire squad no less than 3 times. Miraculously we missed every major engagement, we'd bounce from one suspected enemy location to another.

The secret to being medic is to always sit tight, never try to revive someone that is in danger and always revive the SL first since he can usually throw down a rally point.

Second thing I learned is I am fucking sick and tired of hearing Gay Johnny say 'I'm down' and then expect me to find them a block and a half away on a balcony. When I play medic, I become your fucking dad.
