Author: PnuE <pnue@drunk>     Reply to Message
Date: 3/28/2011 3:20:43 AM
Subject: RE: few more


I've known Fuzion forever. We were clanned in q2wf and would chat in IRC all the time. Somehow despite all the tell-tale signs, i never would have guessed he was gay.


Meh this one was a bit hard, Zores is a gamer and computer savvy. Both which Zerocool has, however Zores can game like Zero hacks, and knows computers like Zero games. Both above average levels, but one excels further.


This will be my last one of these, some people are just too hard to stereotype without stretching waaaaay too thin. Iceman is one of them. What do you say about someone who only posts once every leap year. Meh, nothing about his personality, but he gets Willy Wonka. For letting all of us kids play in his chocolate factory.


I mean that strictly in a non gay way.