Author: Hoak <[email protected]>     Reply to Message
Date: 9/29/2009 7:45:25 PM
Subject: RE: Quake Live: WFA, Acrid & True Combat

As a side note: it seems like the evolution of WFA post 2.9/Acrid was another case of 'the squeaky wheel got the oil'; as all the kicking and screaming was from the 'Hard Core Players' that 'Played on Ladders and in Leagues!'.

While no game Designer worth his salt should overlook that segment of a game's Audience, it's always a very small minority of total audience that play a game; and is always the most vocal, ergo most likely to register and post on a game forum about 'perceived play issues', and rail on them until something is changed.

WFA's popularity took a huge dive after 2.9; I concede there was some really handsome work in the following versions but the game went from challenging to the new Player (in 2.9) to virtually unplayable and not fun.

The difference for those of use that still played but didn't like WFA post 2.9 made comparisons along the lines of WFA 2.9 played more like Football, and after that more like Basketball -- defense was more reactive, then proactive, and game speed (which was already insanly too fast for many) was cranked up yet another notch.

Wasn't for me after that, and a lot of other people...
