Author: Tonester <@home>     Reply to Message
Date: 4/4/2007 5:56:44 PM
Subject: Quake Patch

Quake4 1.4 changes

Quake4 1.4.1:

* new movemement code on angled surfaces (pm_slidevelocity and pm_powerslide)
* LG knockback 6->11, fire rate 0.05->0.04, damage 8->7, max cells 400->300, range 768->736
* LG & GL crosshair .dds files updated (with correct versions)
* fixed player corpses warping to spawn locations
* net_clientRepeaterDelay added for Q4TV
* RG starting ammo 5->7, ammo box 10->7, max ammo 25->35
* fixed pixelization of all crosshairs, added 2 new ones
* allow backslash in say text, \o/
* spectators can now use teleporters
* unprotected r_displayRefresh
* removed health/armor adjustments from g_handicap; now affects players damage output only
* model specfic sound code to allow unique sound sets be defined for each model
* several OpenAL sound fixes
* assume private networks are LAN servers; net_forceInternet can be used if they aren't
* allow mods to alter engine level cvar flags
* added si_fps 'Tickrate' to server browser hover info
* new lagometer code, increased performance and works with r_useSMP
* force pro skins option added to Game Options GUI
* unlocked g_gunX, g_gunY, g_gunZ cvars
* added g_weaponFovEffect
* gun position option added to Game Options GUI
* fixed some item pickups not being viewable by Q4TV
* new size for megahealth simpleItem
* pure check for Q4TV added
* fixed NextWeap/PrevWeap when scrolling through several weapons at once
* fixed broken firing animation for viewers
* projectile explosions/impacts are always predicted correctly now; gives much better feedback to the player when lagged
* fixed the need to toggle console before entering a password
* shaderParm support added for model renders in GUIs (allows for mods to display brightskins dynamically in GUIs)
* net_challengeLimit increased from 15 to 30 seconds to minimize timeouts during loading of an addonpak
* free gameclient/bot slots for bots removed
* net_clientPrediction archives
* jump / crouch animation added for players crouched in midair
* prevented DeadZone triggers from being called in other gameTypes, which caused memory corruption
* added snaps to GUI sliders
* added chat support for Q4TV
* made use of smaller data types to decrease network traffic
* increased limit of possible viewers for Q4TV
* fixed missing respawn sound with g_simpleItems
* recordNetDemo now works for Q4TV
* fixed stuck hums
* fixed issues with switching to addonpaks via the Admin GUI
* s_useDeferredSettings default changed to 0
* clear new dict and save/restore serverInfo cvars when doing a reloadEngine for spawnServer