Author: Tonester <@home>     Reply to Message
Date: 3/15/2007 12:26:44 PM
Subject: Configs if anyone interested

This is my DEFAULT.cfg file. This is executed at the end of Quake4Config.cfg each time. When I change classes, I exec class-specific binds to temporarily get around some of the missing functions in game right now or to compensate for stuff in the wrong slots.


bind "TAB" "_ingamestats" // Scoreboard (this doesn't seem to do anythning except make UI elements brighter)
bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu" // Quake4 Menu (can be used to select team and class)
bind "SPACE" "kill" // Kill self
bind "t" "clientMessageMode 1" // Team Chat
bind "y" "clientMessageMode" // Yell Chat
bind "~" "toggleconsole" // Console
bind "`" "toggleconsole" // Console
bind "F1" "_impulse28" // Vote Yes
bind "F2" "_impulse29" // Vote No
bind "F5" "_impulse41" // Team Chooser
bind "F12" "screenshot" // Take Screenshot

bind "F9" "exec Default.cfg"
bind "F10" "exec ASSASSIN.cfg"
bind "Ins" "exec GUNNER.cfg"
bind "Home" "exec ENGINEER.cfg"
bind "Pgup" "exec MEDIC.cfg"
bind "Del" "exec MARINE.cfg"
bind "End" "exec RECON.cfg"
bind "Pgdn" "exec CYBORG.cfg"

bind "MOUSE1" "_attack" // fire
bind "LEFTCTRL" "_button2" // Alt-Fire (thumb button)
bind "KP_SLASH" "_zoom" // Zoom (sniper rifle)
bind " " "_impulse0" // Weapon #1 (Pistol)
bind "KP_PGUP" "_impulse1" // Weapon #2
bind "KP_HOME" "_impulse2" // Weapon #3
bind "KP_PGDN" "_impulse3" // Weapon #4
bind "KP_END" "_impulse4" // Optional Weapon
bind "MWHEELUP" "_impulse5" // Nade #1
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "_impulse6" // Nade #2
bind "LEFTALT" "_impulse7" // Optional Nade (extra mouse button for me)

bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "_button4" // Drop Ammo Menu

bind "KP_STAR" "_impulse8" // Ability #1
bind "KP_PLUS" "_impulse9" // Ability #2
bind "KP_INS" "_impulse10" // Ability #3
bind "MOUSE3" "_impulse11" // activate ability

bind "[" "_impulse14" // Previous Weapon
bind "]" "_impulse15" // Next Weapon
bind "f" "_impulse50" // Flashlight (not used to my knowlege)
bind "r" "_impulse13" // Reload (not used to my knowlege)

bind "KP_UPARROW" "_forward" // Forward
bind "KP_5" "_back" // Backwards
bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "_moveleft" // Strafe Left
bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "_moveright" // Strafe Right
bind "KP_ENTER" "_moveDown" // Crouch
bind "MOUSE2" "_moveUp" // jump
bind "KP_DEL" "_button1" // Grapple or Fly or Wallwalk