Author: jabes <[email protected]>     Reply to Message
Date: 6/2/2006 8:00:03 AM
Subject: RE: ugh

except this one fucking fool

check this out, we're on Oshur. we have 1 base. the VS and NC are raiding like nuts. The TR have lost just about all of their community land; searhus & cyssor.

Its just me and this one other guy on TS together. I go take a break, come back like 15-20 minutes later and he is at the warpgate on oshur behind enemy lines fucking around with some NC. I'm in Mithra and there are about 3 different mine fields, a bridge, and 20 NC between he and I.

He starts bitching at me to bring him Glue, Ammo and Medpacks. I try a couple of times, get a couple of kills on my way by bailing my marauder at NC softies and then using my cycler to finish them off (LOL funny as hell tactic) and then later using the wraith/cloak to sneak by them. I die both times trying to get to him. He then tells me to RECALL, grab a lodestar, and bring this shit to him.

I told him 'HRMM. NO thanks. Why don't you just die and come gun for me? I really don't want to recall just to bring you more ammo and glue when you could just die and respawn over here and get more shit.'

he throws a hissy fit, recalls, bitches about the NC assgrabbers for 5 minutes and then finally figures out that we've lost every other piece of land and he'll have to hart in and come gun for me if he wants to come back to oshur.


