Author: jabes <[email protected]>     Reply to Message
Date: 5/23/2006 8:56:57 AM
Subject: playing tips:

I just wanted to throw out some basic tips to players that I know and use.

First is Medpacks. Even if your a Medic or have adv med you should always carry at least 2 Medpacks. I suggest carry 3 at all times. Purpose for this is so if your in the middle of a fight you can quickly give your self some extra health.

With that Bind your medpack to a Key that is easily reachable and will not effect your characters movement. For me I use "F"

Know your surrondings! If you just spent a few shells and need to reload but have troops coming toward you hit the reload key and run behind the nearest wall pop out as soon as its dont reloading. This goes the same for changing weapons such as changing to your Ha from your deci or vice versa.

Remember if it only takes 3 decis to kill a softy if you are in agile and have a softy that is hurt coming at your ass but have your deci in your holster dont be afraid to use it on him.

When fighting a max I tend to shoot my decis at the ground it basically does the same damage plus you dont have to worry about him dodging your shot. When fighting a VS max that is hoping in the air USE CAMERA MODE on your deci and explode it near him.

When fighting JH users keep your distance if they charge you, backpeddle use the mcg's range to your advantage.

This is something I do wayyyy to much but I need to stop. I call it OCR Over Compulsive Reload the mcg clip size is by far bigger than any other HA dont reload in the middle of a battle if you have only shot off 10 shots use the clip size to your advantage.

Its alot easier to take someone out from behind I know it sounds gay but if you can use your surrondings to your advantage and get around on someone do it that way you will still have a great amount of health and you dont need to yell for an adv med.

One of the Best tips I can provide. For implants I think it is important 2 have 2 specific implants. Surge and Audio Amp.

Audio Amp in Defense is the greatest tool ever. It gives you a jump on the enemy cause as your sitting still your watching him move. Instead of sitting there watching 3 different doors all you have to do is centrally locate yourself and watch your radar. Also it gives you the advantage of knowing what your up against. If you see a Max and a Softie coming, let the max pass, cause most softies tend to follow Maxes. When the guy isn't looking jump out and mow him down from behind. This is where surge comes in, if you have no decis, or the max is on you right after you kill the softie, surge away reheal, and come back. Most maxes even though you just killed the softie will push on to the CC and check for more.

When travelling ouside in the open, whether n the caves or on the ground, ALWAYS, ALWAYS run in 3rd person. If you stop to heal, or engi your self or somone else, always go to 3rd person. It allows you to see cloakers coming up, or around objects. I love when I come around the corner of a tree and find 3 guys healing and none of them are in 3rd person, I mow them down.

If you find your self fighting a good oponent be very wary, most skilled and smart players will never strike fro the same spot twice, If you got hit on the first level of a tower, chances are the player moved to a new location, this way he can catch you unprepared.

MCG, Slowest TTK in the game, do not predictable when straffing. Always change your straffe up. I kill so many people in this game who say they are good, mainly cause I know exactly what they are going to do when they do it.

My way of remaining unpredictable is that I change my straffe when the enemy straffes.

With the MCG the cone of fire (COF) will Bloom rather quickly if your getting hit. Throw a crouch in there and when you crouch release the Fire button. Your cone gets extremely tight. NEVER just hold down on the fire button the whole time, your COF blooms huge. You have to realese, I suggest you guys duel eachother and see the effects of the COF.

When using Long Range Medium assault weapons, NEVER HOLD THE BUTTON DOWN. constant taps of the fire key rapidly, after about 6 or 7 shots stop let the COF go back down then start tapping, makes your shots alot more accurate.

Sweeper, and Jack hammer. Learn the timing in the shots. I suggest pull the weapon out and just hold the fire button down, the quickest way for a JH to kill you is close and accurate shots. So if you get the tiing in your head, example he fires and hits you, use that memory to change directions, chances are hes going to miss or not fully hit you, For example, if he has to wait one second after firing till he can fire again, after he shoots you the first time, you should instinctively know when he will be able to fire again, and throw a straffe in their to get him off key, once JH users miss a shot they tend to panick.

Last thing for right now. Know your opponents. Next to my computer I have a second computer which is on I use this to check out enemies I have encountered, I can look up their certs, and get an estimate on their knowledge f the game, by looking at outfit, and kills.

So if you run into a CC area, and you have 12 guys from Delta Triad or from 1CMM chances are you need to call the Overlords or KoToR because these outfits are all Knowledged players and know what they are doing. The only way you will get DT, AC, SG, 1CMM, KoToR, Overlords, KWA or a good outfit like that out of a CC is with Numbers. These outfits enforce players to cert specific Certs to compliment the outfit. The advanced Meds for example will always be in the back of the rooms. Why so they can rep any one who dies. This is where the Second Comp comes in.

If I run into a CC and there are 3 smart players in the area im fighting. I look up there names and see if any are adv meds. And those are who I take out first.

This is just some basic info to get you guys thinking. I highly highly suggest that you guys figure out who your best MCG user is right now, and get him to Duel. Use each others skills to train each other, Of all those well known outfits I just mentioned, I have been in, or on TS with them, squadded with them, paired up with a bunch of them to learn. Now its flying time, I know all I can as a grunt.

Good Luck and post your feedback or anything you can add.
