erm... I dig the hunting reference.
If you want to give it a shot, I would ask Xero if he would mind letting you use his account for a week or maybe he'll let you have it?
i dunno.
about the pvp tho, its pretty diverse. Its as deep as you want to get into it. you can just fit the modules or you can spend alot of time getting into the math behind the shit and there are some good offline resources.
you can cloak and be virtually invisble to everyone around you, but you have to sacrifice just about all of your offensive abilities i think.
you can get a small ship and fit it out with electronic warfare shit, get it fitted with bigger engines, and bigger ships won't be able to hit you or target you... so there are alot of diff options but when you get into highly specialized stuff you gotta know what you are doing. its kinda like, what kinda prey do you want to hunt?
There is duck hunting, you sit in a blind, you wait for the ducks to come flying past.
There is big game hunting. Prey on some poor solo miner jack him and jet before the police have time to chase after you.
So, all of those strategies you'd use to track something and hunt, the means to the ends are all up to the player. it amplifies the mistakes you make with the game like x10 but you the thing is you have a safety net of shit in the game that will allow you to bounce back from any bullshit disasters in week or two. you could lose everything you owned and in 2 weeks you could have it all back and twice as much. 