Author: injate <[email protected]>     Reply to Message
Date: 4/21/2006 11:51:56 AM
Subject: RE: manga DC > Torrents

There's also some really sick euro hubs. Refresh a public list, sort by users, then look for min shares over 50GB. Bookmark everything with 5k users + with massive min shares. You can find tons of stuff on there and usually get a slot. Some of them require 2 slots though (even for one hub). I usually alternate between having torrents & DC++ open.

The best one I saw when I was adding favorites was around 14k users and 60GB share. Don't remember which one I know one of my favs ALMOST hit whatever amount is past terabyte when I was in there. It has 996 TB, so sick, It didn't level up though =(

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