You can mount warp stabs (stabilizers) to prevent getting scrambled... mount enough and you can warp through anything. There is a big wah wah in the pirate community about people who load up on warp stabs so they can avoid combat. How many do you need? I don't know... I think stabs have a rating and scramblers have a rating and yours just needs to be higher than theirs.
There are some haulers that have amazing defensive properties. If you warp in to a sector with a whole guild camping the gate, it isn't going to help you... you have to avoid those areas by looking at the map for hotspots where people have been podded recently. However, the high defense/high speed haulers can kinda high up in the skill reqs and cost. But it can be done. I think they can't mine for shit though.Planet iCE!
1998 called! It wants its forum software back!