Author: jabes <[email protected]>     Reply to Message
Date: 4/6/2006 4:10:27 PM
Subject: RE: jabes

they 'balanced' the game.

remember Q2WF without the merc?

well its like they just put the mercenary into Planetside.

IE. The TR burster max is pretty damned tough now.

and I keep hearing rumors about six shooters? oh and they put cowboy hats in the game. WHY GOD WHY


Basically I played the game because it wasn't all ROCK PAPERS SCISOOORS it was more like Q2WF where you could use tactics, timing, etc to overcome the opposition. Now since they took they buffed the TR Anti-Air to be more than just simply effective, they have taken all of the reasons why the VS and NC would have to fly other than transportation.

Anyways, Get a fodder account and try it for yourself. I am thinking you are going to want to go back and keep playing BF2 tho.
