I started a new character, and I am taking a totally different approach... I took all my major skills as skills I won't use regularly... basically to control levelling.
At the rate I was going, I'd be 20 right now. As it stands, I have Mercantile and Armorer as the only real skills that I am using right now... I am 1/4 of the way to level 2, and I have done a lot of stuff already.
I also used a mod to turn off fast travel, and the compass pointers, as well as the "Loading Area" text crap.
There are a bunch of graphics tweaks you can do as well to improve things... I only have around 25 FPS, but I have everything super maxed, and I have upped some ini settings to enhance distant terrain and the number of distant trees.
Most of the stuff can be googled, some can be found on the elderscrolls.com forums.
The other nice part about levelling slower is having a lot more points to distribute.