Author: jabes <whoowat>     Reply to Message
Date: 10/20/2005 1:44:44 PM
Subject: Was Joe Skunk ever an FNL? WHY NOT!?

Author: Joseph Skunk.
Date: 11/28/2001 3:16:29 PM
Subject: llama asshole looking for clan

Objective: find a clan who needs an all-round good o player, and willing to turn a blind eye to the once-a-week forum outcry over my llamahood. also, the clan needs to have cool tude (dont want to hear everybody throwing tantrums if we ever lose) and a strong leader. preferably having their shit together. also, lots of practices and a good prac turnout is a huge plus.

Pros: i play a lotta classes, most of em fuckin _A_ good (snipe and gunnie i aint got the ping 4 these days). im a clever motherfucker at finding chinks in d, and @ borg u wont find better. helluva marine, but better with rockets than grap (in other words use me for killing and defense elimination, not flagrunning). i also show for practices and matches whebnever hmanly possible (see cons 4 a qualifier 2 this).

Cons: im a pottymouth, im hella bipolar, and i ping 120-150 to most north america servers (i ping 200 to the limeys). i can do more with a 130 ping than most can with a 35, but it has its limitations (grap gets unreliable, as well as direct fire weapons such as hb, lg, mega, snipe etc). Also, i work for a megacorp (lets call them HAL) as the only level 3 tech in communist utah, so when i get a page i have to GO. this rarely interferes with pracs and matches, and as noted above i am far more likely to show to practices than most, even taking this into account.

References: ]BwS[ (Vlad Ipkiss and Cyberritual all were/are leaders), ]$[LP, ]zZz[Rexor, and Deceit have all bossed me around in the past. for further references, see the following flames:

the onion.
