Author: trash <[email protected]>     Reply to Message
Date: 9/23/2005 8:48:49 AM

uh no, the recon bug was that vector addition was questionable

the way it worked was, say recon speed going forward (north) was 1.0 m/s, if you strafed left, you were now going 1.0 m/s forward (north), and 1.0 m/s left (west) at the same time, changing your direction of travel to nw, at a speed of 2^.5, or about 1.41. now a recon can strafe up and down at the same time while flying, via crouch/jump, bringing her total speed up to 3^.5 (I think!) or 1.73ish, almost a double speed recon.

The change made it so that recons speed was stuck at 1.0 by dividing off the actual speed

different representation:
before: cases 1,2,3 as above, the first triplet will be the before speed vector in x-y-z components, the second will be after the change

case 1:
(1,0,0) (1,0,0) no strafing, no change

case 2:
(1,1,0) (.707,.707,0) strafing in 1 direction

case 3:
(1,1,1) (.577,.577,.577) moving in all 3 directions

anyway, it was quite a nerf, and imo should have been completely a balance related descision, as either math for vector addition while strafing could be appropriate, depending on the implementation. prenerf would correspond to many thrusters which could fire independantly of each other, whereas postnerf corresponds generally with the case where a single thruster is being rotated, or just that only 1 thrust is acting at any given time... (given the recon's jerky movement style pre and post, only multiple thrusters make sense, as there is no way a single thruster could rotate so quickly...)