Author: jabes <whoowat>     Reply to Message
Date: 9/19/2005 2:03:24 PM

Author: ]$[Static ^_^
Date: 1/20/2002 3:44:52 PM
Subject: I hate {BR}.

Yes... its true. I've always had it in for BR since they were the "top dogs." I fixed the recon bug specifically to shut down their winning streak. In fact, I did it maliciously. As I was typing away at the fix I was gleefully cackling the "mad scientist laugh" thinking about how badly {BR} would be scrooed.

The really funny thing is that I have been asked by SO many people to nerf the recon even more. You guys wouldn't believe how many anti-recon messages I get. She is too fast, blind lasts too long, take away flight and grapple, limit flight time, blah blah blah etc etc etc.

The simple truth here is that I am interested in balance, I don't give a rats ass who is in 1st place at any time. It just so happened that you were heavy users of a bug that I fixed. You didn't consider it a bug at the time and I don't think less of you for using it either since it was not an obvious exploit (like creating multiple lasers or something of that nature.) I did fix it though and that had nothing to do with you personally. The "Static hates {BR}" conspiracy theory junk is really off-track. Its true I don't care much for infernal or novablazer but that has nothing to do with any of the other {BR} members to whom I am mostly indifferent due to not having talked with them much. It also didn't stop me from inviting them to participate in the gunner balancing group. To be honest I think I'm pretty impartial when it comes to what clans want.

Oh well.


the onion.
