Author: {wf}shadowspawn <shadowspawn_at>     Reply to Message
Date: 8/20/2005 3:28:26 PM
Subject: RE: curses all day long

i updated the main wfa site, but i have to help zith with wfr cause a promise is a promise.

now this is pushing me to wrap up wffusion cause i see in the same thing that caused the above error, with configstrings and twigging the netcode to handle it, well the hack to make it work spilled over to where i was having issues with prediction.

trying to shove all those extra "award" hacks into it, using that for everything from ammo counts above ammo boxes to making the spies and decoys work some magic tricks.

someone who knows the shit should just make a q3 exe to work with wfa only, adjust it so no need to edit configs, give it a new icon, and i'll tell em where to tweak shit in the exe src to stop errors on some things, and with a bugfix release of wfa for stock q3... it'll all time nicely.