Author: {wf}shadowspawn <>     Reply to Message
Date: 12/17/2003 2:43:31 PM
Subject: the pb seems so... small

Just a little dot of light and then a huge-assed explosion. The kami seems like it'd be better suited. dunno. maybe i'll recycle the effect for the kami.
divx, but captured at 30fps and it drops during heavy data so it doesn't look that smooth...

just got a little bored after creating a new fix for trapping players in decoy crap; its kinda cool. basically a trigger check with 1 unit smaller then the decoy's bbox.

if the decoy isn't a ground entity, it thinks every frame.

void Decoy_CheckContents(edict_t *decoy)
int contents;
int i, num;
edict_t *touch[MAX_EDICTS], *hit;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
static vec3_t range = { 14, 14, 30 };

contents = (int)trap_PointContents(decoy->s.origin);

if ( (contents & CONTENTS_NODROP) )
decoy_removeself (decoy);

VectorSubtract( decoy->s.origin, range, mins );
VectorAdd( decoy->s.origin, range, maxs );

num = trap_BoxEdicts (mins, maxs, touch, MAX_EDICTS, AREA_SOLID);

for (i=0 ; i {
hit = touch[i];
if (!hit->r.inuse)

if (hit->r.client)
decoy_removeself (decoy);

