Author: {wf}shadowspawn <shadowspawn_at_shadowspawn_dot_net>     Reply to Message
Date: 10/9/2003 11:47:10 AM
Subject: RE: its up

i also have to get static in on this one, he did the original fmod but there's been a big change with the latest version. as soon as i get it in there and clean up the ui, i'll let you know so you can see it and mess around with it if you want.

i can now put all models on the hud and animate them as i feel fit, i was thinking of having the classes walk and turn then teleporter effect for each class matched to an offset of the beat as well, maybe the pb for that break. i have it constantly playing in the background so i'll have an opinion later. might want some effects cut into it or i can add them in manually overlapping the track for things, which would probably be easier since if i change timing it won't require you to do anything.

