Author: {wf}shadowspawn <shadowspawn_at_shadowspawn_dot_net>     Reply to Message
Date: 6/26/2003 6:52:19 PM
Subject: RE: SS

it is kinda cool. i'm actually getting emails, and people keep asking for screenshots, all I can really say is look at wfa. I don't know how people are going to react tho when they see their first laser cutter grenade go off, or laserball grenade, or a prostar marine is stopped dead in their tracks... I was reading over the WF manual a few nights ago debating on redoing it, then saw things about valid designed tactics for defensive spies/recons with gas grenades.

I mean its weird I guess.

Anyhow, this is a file of the sentry with its q2 idleness using the wfa md3's. There is no demo2avi cmd (tho someone is already working on a streaming demo-to-divx converter) so excuse the choppyness; its fusion in a window with camstudio and doesn't record that well.

