Author: Nazgul <[email protected]>     Reply to Message
Date: 4/19/2003 3:34:16 AM
Subject: Bout the maps

Nice job on most of the maps some have good layouts others are mazes and i still aint figured them out.


I was kinda under the impression that we were gonna get some of the old maps like the old 2fort and cruel etc back. Maybe i was wrong with that but wfaeu has kinda died without the old maps, we were kinda thinking that we would get the old maps back and it would spark some interest from the older players to come and play again. The new 2fort is ok but it gets annoying after a while because of its colour scheme.

Some of the new ones are v good tho Control is ok once you get to know artic and its layout its a pretty ok map i just felt a little let down when none of the older maps which i was expected was in the map pack......

Stronger is one of the only maps i know from the map pack...but i felt the whole reason why it was a good map in its first edditions was because it was small and claustrophobic. With the good clans agaisnt each other there normally weren't many caps, these games were the best types of games to me even though i am an offense player.

I also miss Cruel immensely, great map, great layout...why was it just abbandoned?

PLEAAAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEEEE gimi the old 2fort and cruel back. Thx :(